Thursday, January 8, 2009

Be gentle, it's my first time...

Ladies, Gentleman, dignitaries of state, you, you in the pajama pants: I would like to officially welcome you to the inaugural blog. The time has finally come when I have accepted the fact that blogs are not just an unwelcome mass encountered as you walk down Milwaukee, (it'll take me ages to get this blog off my shoe), or the star of a 1950's horror film (Dr. T. Halen: [on the phone] "Kate? It's Dr. Hallen, I'm still at the office... something's come up...there's a man here with some sort of a parasite, some blog, on his arm, assimilating his flesh at a frightening speed"...). I as a woman of 25, who preferred tapes until she was 17 (Paula Abdul fans unite!) and didn't have a cell phone 3 years ago, I, who once very honestly and sincerly referred to a "Blackberry" as a "Strawberry", I, a woman who's technological deficiencies probably qualify her for milking a cow in a field somewhere (MySpace? What's MySpace?), I am finally contributing to a inter web societal media craze that undoubtedly will probably almost certainly one day lead to my untimely demise. So, please, stay tuned! And enjoy the Tales of a TwentySomethingNothing...